Monday, January 28, 2013

White People Are All Racist

  Some say that the sins of the past will haunt the present and this is certainly true with this stereotype. Since Columbus stepped on the land of America, this stereotype has already started. First of all, the whites had some problems with the Native American or Indian. Even, before coming in America, the whites used slave to paddle their ship to the America. After that, the whites continued to have problems about racist with the African American and Mexican.

  However, in my opinion, I think that this stereotype is not valid today. There might be some white people who are racist, but not all of them are racist. In fact, white people now have accept to live together and equally with Native Americans, African Americans, and Mexican Americans in this United States of America.


  1. Yes, white people are racist, they are brainwashed and so privileged that they cant accept that they are racist. There some awesome white people who arent racist but they are.few and far between. This is racist just sayin yall arent racist. Its gross, most white people gross me out, not all. Its from personal experience

  2. Exuse me, but just because of your skin color doesn't make you automatically racist. Indian,Asians,black,white,etc. Can be racist to anyone, and they also cannot be racist. Racism isn't about the type of race, anyone can be racist, ITS BASED ON THE TYPE OF PERSON! as a German I have gotten racist and prejudice comments to me before, but that doesn't mean I say the whole race is racist. It's all about the type of person,
    Auf Wiedersehen

  3. Respect to everyone!😁

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "whites used slave to paddle their ship to the America."

    That is not true. They used sailing ships. Columbus's voyage had no slaves. And the Pilgrims had no slaves. And whites are the only race on the planet currently NOT using slaves.
